Oklahoma Probation or Parole Violation

If you or a loved one has violated probation or parole, it is important to understand what could happen and what these terms mean. The first thing you will want to do is call an attorney who has plenty of experience with parole or probation violations.

What is probation or parole?

In Oklahoma, when someone is convicted of a crime, he or she will typically be offered the option of probation or parole. Probation enables the convicted person to finish part of the sentence outside of prison. If he or she exhibits good behavior in prison, parole may also be an option.

Requirements for Probation and Parole

Parole and probation both require close supervision. If you are granted either, then you will have to meet with a probation or parole officer regularly. If you miss one of these appointments, you could be sent back to prison. If you are arrested while on probation or parole, the state could file a Motion to Revoke, which would send you straight back to jail.

Even though you would be afforded much more freedom on probation or parole, you must comply with the rules that are given to you, or else you lose the privilege of completing your sentence outside of prison walls. No drinking or drug use is allowed, you cannot leave the state, and you must not be in possession of a firearm. If you violate these or any other terms of your probation or parole, you could be sent back to prison with additional repercussions on top of your original sentence.

How We Can Help

At Edge Law Firm, our team of experienced defense attorneys has had numerous successes on cases involving probation or parole violations. Let us get started on regaining your rights today. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

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