Oklahoma Methamphetamine Offenders Registry Act

Oklahoma is known for being one of the top states for methamphetamine-related crimes including:

  • Production
  • Possession
  • Trafficking
  • Intent to distribute

Oklahoma has retaliated by strengthening laws related to methamphetamine crimes. After an individual has plead guilty to or been found guilty of a meth-related offense, he or she will be placed on the Oklahoma Methamphetamine Offender Registry Act.

The purpose of the Oklahoma Methamphetamine Offender Registry Act is three-fold:

  • Assigns those to the Registry who are convicted of or plead guilty to any methamphetamine-related crime
  • Tracks known meth offenders
  • Makes it a criminal offense for those on the Registry to possess, purchase, or be in control of any amount of pseudoephedrine, even with a prescription

The Penalties for Violators

Violation of the Oklahoma Methamphetamine Offender Registry Act by possessing or trafficking in methamphetamine or pseudoephedrine is a felony.

  • Punishment could be a fine of up to $5,000 and/or two to ten years’ imprisonment.
  • Assisting a registered meth offender to purchase or possess pseudoephedrine is a misdemeanor and may spent up to one year in jail and/or pay a fine of up to $1,000 on the first offense, $2,500 and a maximum of two years imprisonment for a subsequent offenses.

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