Furnishing Firearms to Minors in Oklahoma
With the exception of using a shotgun or rifle for use in a gun safety class, target shooting or hunting, it is illegal in Oklahoma for anyone under the age of 18 to be in possession of a firearm.
Standard for Adults
Oklahoma law takes this one step further, holding any adult who knowingly, intentionally or recklessly provides a firearm to a minor criminally liable.
There are several standards that must be met when trying this charge, including proving that the adult was aware that the minor may commit a crime or if the minor has been convicted as an adult or deemed a delinquent.
A first offense furnishing firearms to minor’s conviction is punishable by a maximum $250 fine and/or up to 30 days in jail. Second and subsequent offenses are punishable by a maximum $500 fine and/or up to three months in jail.
If you possess a concealed handgun license and are convicted, you will face the above penalties and your license will be suspended for six months.
Charges for Minors
Separate charges can be filed against a minor if he or she took the firearm without the permission of the owner.