Recent Oklahoma DUI Case Wins

When it comes to defending Oklahoma motorists who are accused of driving under the influence (DUI), one name has become synonymous with success: The Edge Law Firm. As one of the only firms in the state to attain board certification in DUI defense, our firm has what it takes to help you fight your arrest and avoid the consequences of a drunk driving conviction.

Thanks to the percentage of recent case wins, the majority of our clients are referred to us by friends and family members—and a large number of those referrals even come from other attorneys or police officers.

  • First Degree vehicular homicide: where deceased was in a wheelchair and a blood test with two illegal drugs: NOT guilty.
  • Under 21, 2nd case and an accident: License returned and case dismissed.
  • .11 blood test and driver under 21: License returned and no conviction.
  • .19 Blood test: License returned and no conviction.
  • .26 BAC test: License returned.
  • .19 BAC test for CDL: License returned.
  • .15 BAC, felony with pilot’s license: License returned and case dismissed.
  • Tulsa Felony DUI: Dismissed.
  • .21 DUI accident in view of police: Driver’s license returned and no alcohol conviction.
  • Oklahoma Felony DUI: License returned and reduced to reckless driving.
  • 2 counts of vehicular manslaughter: Not Guilty.
  • .32 DUI: Dismissed and license returned.
  • 4 DUI arrests in 1 1/2 years: Driver’s license returned and no alcohol convictions.
  • Former law enforcement officer with 2 DUI’s in 6 months: Dismissed and license returned.
  • DUI accident: Not guilty and license returned.
  • .17 DUI: Licenses returned and no alcohol conviction.
  • College student, under 21 with BAC over the legal limit: No conviction and NO loss of license.
  • Under 21 student involved in an accident, with injuries and a BAC over the legal limit: No conviction and no loss of license.

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